Terry Hill presented Living in the Endorphin Zone™ to eight people at Career Jump-Start on Tuesday, 08 May 2012.

“Use the science of happiness to optimize the quality of your life.”

“Happy people are healthier, more fulfilled, earn more, accomplish more, and live longer.”

“Focus on what you DO WANT – NOT what you don’t want. Focusing on what we don’t want creates negative emotions.”

“Endorphinomics™ is based on the Seven Endorphin Domains™:
  1. Your Operating System
  2. Your Powers
  3. Your Passions
  4. Your Purpose
  5. Positive People
  6. Positive Places
  7. Sustainability”

Mr. Hill encouraged us to do three things:
  1. Make a list of what you are grateful for
  2. Make a list of people you like and want to spend time with
  3. Have a dream

Mr. Hill suggested two books to read:
  1. Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment by Martin E. P. Seligman 
  2. What Happy People Know: How the New Science of Happiness Can Change Your Life for the Better by Dan Baker 
Mr. Hill is with Terry Hill & Associates of Highland Village, Texas 75077 - http://www.terrylhill.com/

NEXT WEEK, 15 May 2012, Career Jump-Start will meet in Room 230 A&B upstairs at the West end of the building.

Career Jump-Start usually meets on Tuesday evenings at First United Methodist Church, 503 North Central Expressway, Richardson, Texas 75080. Official information about this group is available at http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/CJS-HPUMC/ or http://www.fumcr.com/pages/caring_career_support

Katherine Bradford
5/9/2012 02:53:57 pm


What a wonderful summary! As you know I was I'll amd had to miss Terry's presentation. Thank you for supporting and promoting Carrer Jump-Start. You are a blessing to our group and especially to me!

5/10/2012 02:04:36 pm

Sorry you were ill and hope you are fully recovered.

Thank you for the kind words.



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