Jewish Family Services – 50+ Networking Group met on Monday, 30 April 2012. Allison Harding led this meeting. At age 5, we dream that we can do anything; at age 15 mysteries go away and we begin to focus on possible occupations usually following suggestions of a mentor, and at age 25 we are in a profession that we selected. Too often our job search plan is fixed on what we have always done – positions that do not exist in the current economy. Therefore, Plan B is required to help us land our next employment. Consider other things we would like to do; these need to be unrelated to our former career.

This 50+ Networking Group meets on most Monday afternoons at Jewish Family Services of Greater Dallas, 5402 Arapaho Road - Dallas, Texas 75248. Official information for this group and other networking groups hosted by Jewish Family Services of Greater Dallas is available at

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