I have been told for the past year that I should write a blog; however, I could not think what to write about. Just over a week ago, I was trying to publicize an event and needed a convenient web page to supplement a Tweet. My certified public accountant had told me about weebly.com; therefore, I gave it a try. It met the need for the supplementary web page, and I saw that weebly.com also makes it simple to publish a blog. Using the blog to document the various meetings that I attend came to mind. So, I began typing notes about the meetings I attend and posting them to this blog. Hopefully, this will give people an idea how they can benefit from these meetings. The related web page now provides a basic over view of networking with hyperlinks to selected websites produced by other people and organizations. Thus far, the objective has been to provide a summary of each meeting. In the future, I might include my personal thoughts synthesized from the various meetings.